Vote for the BerniePDX 2025 Portland Public School Board Endorsements!


Learn about the candidates’ backgrounds and priorities, as well as:

– How they will protect and fight for more school funding
– The relationship they think the board should have with the teachers union
– How they will protect students under threat from the Trump Administration
– Their ideas for how PPS can support students experiencing housing insecurity
– and more!

then cast your vote for the candidates you think deserve the BerniePDX endorsement.


Support the Rent Control Bill! Deadline is March 21, 1:00pm

Senate Bill 722 would improve our state’s rent stabilization statutes and prohibit the use of AI price-fixing software to inflate rents. This is a no-cost policy tool to help address our unfolding housing affordability crisis. This bill would go a long way to support renters in our state!

Learn more and add your name here! Your message will be sent to the Senate Committee on Housing and Development, and the deadline to submit is Friday, March 21 at 1:00pm.

How to Support Immigrants in Our Community

Sign up here to support immigrants in our community as they attend mandatory hearings, or sign up here to train to be a Legal Observer and join the Rapid Response Team. 

If you think you see ICE and/or anyone you know is detained, call the Portland Immigrant Rights Coalition hotline: 1-888-622-1510. It’s answered every day until about 8pm!

If You’re Jewish and Live in CD-3: Sign to ask Rep. Maxine Dexter to Reject AIPAC!

Add your name here!

“We are a group of Jews in Oregon’s 3rd congressional district who believe that AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is prolonging a broken and destructive status quo for both Palestinians and Israelis, and actively undermining progressive causes in the United States. We want to make accepting AIPAC endorsements or money as unthinkable as receiving them from the NRA or the oil and gas industry. We’re starting in our district, by calling on our representative, Maxine Dexter, to publicly reject AIPAC from this point forward. Such a public rejection would be a powerful message to AIPAC, and to other Democratic lawmakers.” Read the rest and sign here.

PSU Professors Get Ready to Strike – Show your Support!

How you can help:


Since June, PSU-AAUP members have been bargaining upwards of 170 hours to have their needs met. On the table are cost of living adjustments, multilingual pay differentials, salary progression for workers who have no promotion paths, layoff protections, cost of living increases to be able to afford to live where we teach, support for research-funded workers who’s funding is being attacked by the Trump administration, and more.

Despite practice pickets, Board of Trustees speakouts, and public letters of support from Oregon State Treasurer Steiner, Rep Muñoz, Portland City Councilors Morillo, Koyama-Lane, Green, and Avalos, the Cudd Administration remains intransigent. Workers could strike as early as March 31.

With over $1B spent since 2010 on construction and developers and construction CEO holding sway over the PSU Board of Trustees and PSU Foundation, it is clear: the University’s priorities are in the wrong place. Instead of prioritizing and investing in students, Administration and the Board are hurting students and are hurting the workers who support students to thrive.

Sign the Petition to the Legislature: Keep Oregon Nuclear-Free

Sign here and share!

The nuclear industry is teaming up with big tech to overturn Oregon’s moratorium on nuclear power. Taking a “flood the zone” approach, nuclear proponents have now introduced thirteen bills in the 2025 Oregon legislative session, many of them nearly identical. We need your help to stop these dangerous bills and keep Oregon nuclear-free. Please sign Columbia Riverkeeper’s petition to stop new nuclear reactors in Oregon.

Tell City Council: Cut Giveaways, Not Portland City Programs!

Please email City Council and Mayor Wilson to tell them that we strongly oppose the City’s “economic development” agency, Prosper Portland’s, recent decision to waste seven million dollars on a development project that has been rejected by other local governments, community leaders, and private investors.

As Sophie Peel recently reported in Willamette Week, a group called “Made in Old Town” persuaded Prosper Portland to provide them with a loan on terms that violate Prosper Portland’s own guidelines for commercial loans — for a greater amount, at a lower interest rate, and with a longer payback period than they advise. 

We need to spend our valuable resources on safe and healthy classrooms,  emergency services, affordable housing, Portland Street Response, Parks and recreation, police accountability, and all the other projects that keep our city livable!

1. Prosper Portland should rescind this offer, and

2. Prosper Portland should be audited, to prevent it from making further damaging giveaways.   

Use the text above to write your email, or click here for details and a longer sample email message (on p. 2).


Mayor Keith Wilson:;

District 1 Councilors:,,

District 2 Councilors:,,

District 3 Councilors:,,

District 4 Councilors:,,

Providence Strike is Over!

From ONA: In a major victory for the nearly 5,000 ONA represented frontline Providence nurses, all eight RN bargaining units voted overwhelmingly to ratify their contracts and end the strike. The historic agreements come after 46 days on the strike line and more than a year of bargaining, and will set a new standard for wages, staffing, and patient safety at one of Oregon’s largest healthcare systems.

“These contracts represent a major victory for frontline caregivers, but more importantly it’s a victory for Providence patients and the communities we serve,” said Virginia Smith an RN from Providence Willamette Falls and leader of the bargaining unit. “As RNs, we believe that these contracts will lead to greater recruitment and retention of frontline nurses as wages become more aligned with other health systems, and we have staffing language that will allow us to spend more time with the patients that need the most care.”

Read more here.