We are thrilled to announce that BerniePDX members voted to endorse Measure 26-214: Universal Preschool Now, Chris Smith for Metro, Measure 107: Fair & Honest Elections, and Measure 110: The Drug Addiction Treatment & Recovery Actfor the Nov. 2020 election! Scroll down to learn why. Thanks to everyone who voted!
We’ll be sending a second endorsement poll with even more Nov. 2020 races in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

BerniePDX voted to endorse the ballot measure for Universal Preschool in Multnomah County (UP NOW)! Early childhood education is so important. It has been shown to increase graduation rates, reduce incarceration, and lower unemployment. Unfortunately, preschool is cost prohibitive for many families.
UP NOW will create high-quality preschool for children in Multnomah County by instituting a small tax on the top 5% of income earners. Universal preschool will benefit our children and our community as a whole. It’s time for us to join cities like DC, NYC, and Chicago and provide universal preschool to our kids!

BerniePDX voted to endorse Chris Smith for Metro District 5! Chris is a longtime climate and transportation activist whose work includes organizing the “No More Freeways” campaign. Chris plans to address equity issues in transportation, particularly in East County. He will use his decade of experience on the Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission to make Metro more effective in providing affordable housing and services. Chris is a proud supporter of Black Lives Matter and also supported the call by Unite Oregon and PAALF to reduce the Portland Police Budget by $50 million. We need Chris Smith on Metro!
Learn more and get involved at chrisformetro.com

BerniePDX voted to endorse Measure 107: Fair & Honest Elections! Measure 107 will amend the Oregon constitution so that we can enact laws to:
- Require the disclosure of political contributions and spending;
- Limit campaign contributions and spending;
- Require that political ads disclose who paid for them.
Politicians in Oregon receive more corporate contributions per capita than those in any other state. Measure 107 will help pave the way toward ending this practice!
Learn more and get involved at fairandhonestelections.org/

BerniePDX voted to endorse Measure 110: the Drug Addiction Treatment & Recovery Act! Measure 110 will provide drug and alcohol treatment to anyone who wants it, regardless of their insurance. It will also eliminate criminal penalties for small amounts of personal possession of drugs. This measure is an important step toward addressing our racist and unjust drug laws!
Learn more and get involved at voteyeson110.org