Congratulations to Travis Nelson, Mark Gamba, and Farrah Chaichi on winning your elections to the Oregon Legislature! We are lucky to have you representing us at the state level.
Congratulations to Portlanders for passing Charter Reform. Beginning in 2024, we will get to elect City Councilors from our own communities! We are also thrilled that Measure 112 passed, which will amend Oregon’s constitution to remove slavery as a criminal punishment.
BerniePDX was honored to endorse Jo Ann Hardesty for PDX City Council, Libra Forde for Clackamas County, and Jamie McLeod Skinner for Congress. Not all the ballots have been counted, and we would love to update this post to add some more winners. But if not, we hope to support these wonderful women in a future run for office.
We are thrilled to announce our incredible 2022 General Election endorsements!

BerniePDX endorses Mark Gamba, progressive Milwaukie Mayor and long time Bernie Sanders supporter, for State Representative in District 41! Mark’s priority issue is climate change and he is a strong advocate for policies to reduce global warming. Mark’s other top priorities are housing, healthcare, racial justice, campaign finance reform, and tax equity. We are excited for Mark to represent our values at the state level.
Learn more and get involved at https://www.MarkGamba.com

BerniePDX endorses Portland United for Change – Measure 26-228, which was referred to the voters by the Portland Charter Review Commission. Measure 26-228 will:
– Create City Council districts so that City Hall will reflect, and be accountable to, our communities.
– Institute a ranked choice voting method.
– End the commission system form of government so our City Councilors will prioritize the people, not their assigned bureaus.
Learn more and get involved at https://portlandunitedforchange.com/

BerniePDX endorses Measure 112, which will amend Oregon’s constitution to remove slavery as a criminal punishment.
Learn more at https://ballotpedia.org/Oregon_Measure_112,_Remove_Slavery_as_Punishment_for_Crime_from_Constitution_Amendment_(2022)

BerniePDX endorses Eviction Representation for All Multnomah County, which is on the May 2023 ballot, because every tenant deserves quality representation in court!
Learn more and get involved at https://www.eratenants.org
Congratulations to BerniePDX candidates Jo Ann Hardesty (City Council), Jamie McLeod Skinner (CD-5), Farrah Chaichi (HD-35), Libra Forde (Clackamas County), and Travis Nelson (HD-44), who won their elections or advanced to their run-off! The future of Oregon is brighter than it was last week.

We are thrilled to announce our full slate of BerniePDX candidates for the 2022 primary! If elected, these candidates will support and introduce policies that prioritize the well-being of people and the planet. We’re proud to endorse them
Click the Events tab above or visit www.berniepdx.us/events for volunteer opportunities. Please volunteer or donate to these amazing candidates before election day on May 17!

Jo Ann has spent her career working to make Portland a better, more equitable place. As City Commissioner, she created the groundbreaking Portland Street Response to help Portlanders in crisis and reduce instances of police violence. Jo Ann also championed local jobs and the environment when she helped pass the Portland Clean Energy Initiative.
Jo Ann’s current priorities include creating affordable housing and providing more options for houseless members of our community; expanding compassionate public safety; and making it easier for people to be heard by City Council. Jo Ann has repeatedly shown that she will stand on the side of the people. And she’s fearless. BerniePDX is proud to endorse Jo Ann Hardesty for Portland City Council.
Learn more about Jo Ann and get involved at joannforportland.com

As our city faces a chronic housing crisis and global pandemic, we need new City Commissioners who will fight for the interests of working class Portlanders, especially the most marginalized. That’s why BerniePDX endorsed AJ McCreary for Portland City Council.
AJ was born and raised in Portland, and she understands our struggles. She’s a renter who relies on public transportation. She has a record of fighting for racial and economic justice, which Portland urgently needs. AJ’s priorities for the City include stopping the sweeps; distributing resources for pandemic relief; working to ensure that all Portlanders have safe, lead-free drinking water; and strengthening City Hall’s relationship with Portland Public Schools. AJ’s leadership on City Council will be a win for Portland.
Learn more about AJ & get involved at ajforportland.com

BerniePDX endorsed Travis Nelson for Oregon State Representative, District 44. Travis fights for working people every day as a labor representative and member of his union. We are excited to support Travis as he brings that fight to the legislature.
As a nurse, Travis has seen firsthand the harm caused by our current healthcare system. He believes that healthcare is a human right, and he will work to ensure that everyone in Oregon has good, quality healthcare. Travis’s other priorities include climate and the environment, housing, equity, and education for working people. It’s clear that Travis will be a great representative for the people of Portland.
Learn more about Travis & get involved at nelsonfororegon.com

BerniePDX is excited to endorse Libra Forde for the Clackamas County Commission. Libra has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to public service. She currently works at Self Enhancement, Inc., a non-profit that primarily serves low-income communities, as well as youth and families of color. She also serves on the board of the North Clackamas School District.
Libra’s priorities for Clackamas County include ensuring a better future for the next generation; creating a more inclusive county commission that better serves the needs of its constituents; taking care of those who have taken care of us; and increasing accountability on the Commission. Additionally, Libra is the first woman of color to run for this office. Libra’s vision, experience, and values will create a more inclusive Clackamas County.
Learn more about Libra & get involved at libraforclackamascounty.com

Tammy Carpenter is here to bring bold solutions to our ongoing climate crisis, to fight for universal healthcare, and to work for a more equitable Oregon for all. Her ideas on increasing housing for the working class and our most vulnerable populations are both practical and innovative. Her understanding of the historical problems of Oregon’s public education system make her an excellent choice to help improve outcomes for all of our students.
Tammy opposes selling public lands and supports a Green New Deal for Oregon. She believes in the right of workers to organize a union and supports raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy to fund essential services for Oregonians. Tammy is also a self-described Berniecrat. BerniePDX proudly endorses Tammy Carpenter for OR-HD27.
Learn more and get involved at: tammycarpenter.com

Farrah Chaichi aims to use state policy to meet the critical needs of Oregonians including housing, healthcare, and having a healthy planet on which to live. To that end, Farrah supports Right to Rest, Single-Payer healthcare, and taxing big polluters to pay for green infrastructure projects.
Farrah would raise taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals to better fund our public schools, so students and teachers can have the small class sizes they deserve. She is pro-people, pro-union, and here to disrupt the status quo. BerniePDX proudly endorses Farrah Chaichi for OR-HD35.
Learn more and get involved at: www.chaichifororegon.com

Jamie McLeod-Skinner brings a background of leadership and public service with progressive values to her run for the newly redrawn 5th Congressional District. She is committed to working to achieve our shared goals of universal healthcare, improving the social safety net, campaign finance reform, addressing the needs of working families, and co-sponsoring legislation to tackle the climate crisis.
Jamie also supports the TRIPS Waiver, which will allow the manufacture and rapid distribution of Covid-19 vaccines to people in need around the world, so we can finally put an end to the pandemic. Jamie never has and never will accept campaign contributions from the pharmaceutical or fossil fuel industries. BerniePDX proudly endorses Jamie McLeod-Skinner for CD5.
Learn more and get involved at: jamiefororegon.com

While the boundaries of the 6th Congressional District may be new, Teresa Alonso Leon has called the area home for most of her life. Her leadership has grown from Woodburn City Council to Oregon House District 22 Representative, and now she’s running to represent Oregonians at the national level. Teresa’s priorities include universal healthcare; reducing income inequality; making college more affordable and reducing student debt; comprehensive immigration and criminal justice reform; campaign finance reform; and combating climate change. She also supports nationwide universal preschool for all children.
Teresa is the daughter of farmworkers and has experienced the injustices of racism and poverty. Teresa leads from a place of compassion and understanding and is a transformational force in the communities she serves. BerniePDX proudly endorses Teresa Alonso Leon for CD6.
Learn more and get involved at: teresafororegon.com