BerniePDX endorses Measure 26-238, Eviction Representation for All Multnomah County, because every tenant deserves quality representation in court!
Learn more and get involved at https://www.eratenants.org

Kate Sherman is a mom with children in the David Douglas School District. For years she has attended school board meetings and worked with other parents to improve the district, and we’re excited for Kate to take her involvement to the next level. Some of Kate’s priorities include expanding pre-K programs, preserving high school career and technical education programs, eliminating racial disparities in discipline, and elevating student voices.
Kate’s priorities and her focus on attracting high quality, diverse educators through good wages and benefits, and fair staffing, earned her an endorsement from the Oregon Education Association. With her goals of expanding equity in its many forms and removing barriers, Kate will be an excellent addition to the David Douglas School Board in Position 7.
Learn more and get involved at www.kateforddsd.com

BerniePDX is proud to endorse Michelle DePass for Portland Public School Board, Zone 2 for a second time. Michelle has served her community her whole life; her first job was at the Black Panther Free Health Clinic on Williams Avenue when she was 12 years old. Michelle has been our children’s advocate on the PPS Board for the last four years. Michelle’s priorities for her second term include advocating for the science of reading curriculum adoption, closing the racial achievement gap, and ensuring the district’s actions are in alignment with their climate and equity policies.
Michelle also aims to increase school board transparency, as well as engagement, particularly with families of color. We are thrilled to join the Portland Association of Teachers in endorsing Michelle DePass for the Portland Public School Board.
Learn more and get involved at depassforpps.com

Ana del Rocío’s experience and values will be a boon to the Multnomah County Commission. Ana is a pro-union mom and community leader who is accountable to the people she serves, not corporations or their lobbyists. Her goal is to help East Portland thrive. Housing and houselessness are top priorities for Ana, which is why she supports rent control, the Eviction Representation for All ballot measure, and supportive housing programs.
Ana’s other priorities include expanding treatment for mental health and addiction, and improving community safety. Ana understands that climate justice and public health are inextricably linked, and she will use her position on the Commission to make progress in these areas. BerniePDX is proud to join the broad coalition of organizations that endorse Ana del Rocío for Multnomah County Commission in District 3.
Learn more and get involved at anadelrocio.com

Tammy Carpenter is a strong believer in the power of a union. As a member of the Beaverton School Board, Tammy will support educators and work to ensure teachers have the resources they need to help their students succeed. This is one of the many reasons why Tammy was endorsed by the Beaverton Education Association.
Tammy’s other priorities include promoting equity and ensuring the safety of students and staff. Her equity goals include a particular focus on school funding. Tammy’s personal experience as a student in STEM has inspired her goal to make STEM education a more inclusive and welcoming space. Tammy’s input will be valuable on the Beaverton School Board in Zone 7 and BerniePDX is happy to endorse her for this office.
Learn more and get involved at tammycarpenter.com