Sign to Save Universal Preschool!

Please sign (and share) this letter to the Multnomah County Commissioners telling them that you support the UP NOW ballot measure because ALL children and families in Multnomah County deserve free, quality preschool – and all preschool teachers deserve a living wage!


Medicare, Social Security, and public education are so popular and lasting because they are UNIVERSAL programs! That’s why Universal Preschool Now has so much support and such a broad coalition.

But now, another group is trying to get the Multnomah County Commissioners to put a watered-down, non-universal preschool measure on the ballot. According to UP NOW, “Nobody wants to risk having two plans on a single ballot, which is why we are urging the commissioners to affirm the one that has already been approved by voters (that’s you!) to go to the ballot.”

Click here to sign!

Sign to Support Local Unionizing Effort!

Workers at the Center for Sustainable Economy are trying to form a union, and they need our support

CSE managers have brought in the same union-busting law firm that Little Big Burger used, and they have already begun to retaliate against their employees for organizing. Please sign and share the petition to support the workers’ unionization effort!

The demands outlined in the petition are:

1. Voluntarily recognize USE, on acceptable terms, as the unanimous voice of CSE staff, and a bargaining unit of CWA Local 7901.
2. Reverse the retaliatory suspension of a Union member.
3. Immediately terminate the relationship with pernicious union-busting firm, Bullard Law, and commit to bargaining in good faith.

“Hiring a union-busting firm is a direct contradiction of our core values as members of Oregon’s environmental justice and labor movements. We are disturbed to our core that you would engage in union-busting against environmental workers who are on the front-line of efforts to secure a Green New Deal and a sustainable economy that works for all.”

BerniePDX Statement on the Murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, and the Subsequent Public Uprising

Art by Shirien Damra, @shirien.creates on Instagram

BerniePDX joins the call to demand justice for George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, who were murdered by police, and Ahmaud Arbery, who was killed by white supremacists. All of the people involved in perpetrating these horrific murders must be charged and sentenced. 

We stand with the hundreds of thousands of people who are rising up in an incredible wave of outrage and resistance all over the U.S. The public is not only speaking out against the killing of George, Ahmaud, and Breonna, but also responding to 400 years of the brutal, deadly oppression of black people and people of color. 

BerniePDX opposes the systemic white supremacy and inequality that allow racially motivated violence and policing to occur. We support dismantling and replacing this country’s corrupt system of law enforcement. Racial profiling, the hiring of racist cops, police brutality and senseless killings, and militarized police responses to protesters must end. 

Until those in power address the racial and economic violence being done to working people, we should remain suspicious of politicians who choose to focus on protests and riots over injustice. 

Don’t Shoot Portland has compiled a list of organizations doing important work around these issues, which can be found here: We encourage our members to donate to and support these groups. 


In Solidarity, 

The BerniePDX Leadership Team

Two Upcoming Bernie Events!

Friday, May 29, 5-6:30pm: The Revolutionist: A Film on the Life & Times of Eugene V. Debs

The Revolutionist: A Film on the Life & Times of Eugene V. Debs, Socialist Candidate for President fo the United States is a 30-minute documentary directed by Bernie Sanders in 1979.

Join Bernie for a virtual watch party and discussion this Friday along with special guests John Nichols, national affairs correspondent at The Nation, and actor Danny Glover.

Where: Streaming live on

Wednesday, June 3, 4-5pm: 2020 Commencement: A People’s Graduation

We need young people everywhere to speak up, get involved and transform the country.

Tune in on Wednesday, June 3rd at 7 p.m. ET for our 2020 Commencement: A People’s Graduation.

Graduates: please submit a short video to be featured in the show at or email

Where: Streaming live on

Vote by May 19!

Although Bernie ended his campaign, he is still asking us to vote for him in the primary to get as many delegates as possible. Having a large number of delegates will give our movement greater influence over the party’s decision-making at the convention.

Learn why BerniePDX members voted to endorse these great candidates in the May 19 primary at!

Thursday, April 30, 6-8pm: City Council Candidate Forum – Hosted by Portland Metro People’s Coalition & Unite Oregon 

RESCHEDULED —> ONLINE! The Candidates Forum for Position 2 will be held as an online event on THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 6-8 PM. Our community needs and organizing tactics have shifted in response to the coronavirus crisis. It is a time of great fear and loss, but also one of opportunity. It is more important than ever to join together to build the world we want to live in together. Let’s see how these candidates support our shared vision of a just, egalitarian and liberatory home for all. Please sign up to join us at, and we will send you the link to join the call.

Unite Oregon is defending the rights of immigrants and refugees.
The PMPC’s 2020 Platform protects renters, supports our houseless neighbors, demands police accountability, criminal justice reform, environmental justice and ending money in politics, taxes the rich for quality public services and expands what public services do. These are big ideas, and they will only be achieved by building power from below. We are committed to working together to build that strong, coordinated, unified and strategic grassroots power. But we also need government leaders who will support and stay accountable to our grassroots movements.

JOIN US for this discussion and PLEASE HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

BerniePDX is a proud member of the Portland People’s Coalition

RSVP: Visit to receive your Zoom link for the event. 

Sunday, April 26, 4-7pm: HD-42 Virtual Candidate Forum: Paige Kreisman vs. Rob Nosse 

Register Here to Receive Zoom Link:

Join candidates Paige Kreisman and Rob Nosse for a forum on who democratic primary voters should choose represent Oregon House District, inner SE/NE Portland.

Inner SE/NE Portland’s District 42 is one of 60 House legislative districts in the state of Oregon, each representing around 60,000 people.

Don’t forget! To vote in Oregon’s Democratic primary you must be registered with the Democratic Party by April 28. Check your voter registration status online at the Oregon Secretary of State:

Email or with any questions.

RSVP at to get the Zoom link.

Sunday, April 19, 4-5pm: Mark Gamba’s 61st Birthday Fundraiser!

Mark’s 61st birthday is 1 month before primaries and you can help him celebrate by coming to his birthday fundraiser and helping us raise $6100!

We will have a “Gift Registry” in the event at for you to peruse and opportunities at the event to help Mark get to Congress!

All are encouraged to attend. If you know Mark personally, please consider preparing a few words about why you are supporting his bid for Congress or a small story that exemplifies who Mark is.

Suggested “Gift” to attend is $27 but give what you can, all tokens of support and appreciation are welcome! ($61 is also a great number 🙂

RSVP in advance!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Mark is running for Congress in CD-5 against Kurt Schrader.