Please contact if you can donate!

*Wet Ones or baby wipes
*Reusable water bottles
*Protein bars
*Backpack or sturdy grocery bag
*Athlete’s Foot cream
*Icy Hot Cream/Gel
*Bar of hand soap
*Analgesic Gel for mouth problems
*Calamine lotion
*Nail clippers
*Vicks Vapor Rub
*Toilet paper
*Cleaning supplies for bathroom like bleach wipes
*Latex gloves in all sizes
*Facemasks, homemade, surgical or N95
*4 garbage cans and 3 recycle bins

Solidarity Forever

Hi all,

We’ve all been going through it, but we just wanted to say that no matter what, we look forward to continuing to build the Political Revolution that Bernie inspired with you all!

When Bernie’s campaign for President ended in 2016, we transitioned to supporting local candidates, causes, and events. We’ll continue the fight to elect candidates who share Bernie’s values, and support local efforts that further the Political Revolution.

As Bernie said, our efforts are transforming this country: “It was not long ago that people considered [our] ideas radical and fringe. Today, they are mainstream ideas – and many of them are already being implemented in cities and states across the country. That’s what you accomplished.”

We hope you’ll join our Zoom video call, BerniePDX Community Emotional Support and Discussion About Next Steps for the Revolution, Sunday 4/12 at 7:00pm. More details below.

Thanks for all you do, and for being part of our community!

Solidarity forever,
The BerniePDX Leadership Team

Sunday, April 12, 7-9pm: BerniePDX Community Emotional Support and Next Steps for the Revolution

We are all devastated and grieving now that Bernie has suspended his campaign. If we weren’t under stay at home orders, we would come together in person to support each other. Let’s do the next best thing and come together online. Let’s listen and support each other, build our community virtually, and talk next steps. Many of us have put our heart and soul into this campaign and feel like we are losing a part of ourselves. It’s important to be able to be in community with others who have a shared experience.

Join us for this two hour zoom video call. The first part will be an opportunity to express your emotions with others that are feeling similar things. The second part will be planning steps to move forward with the revolution.

For the last five years Bernie’s agenda has been getting national attention. Now, during the crisis of the Coronavirus, Bernie has been doing such a phenomenal job advocating for the people. More and more are realizing the need for the values and leadership that he promotes, as people lose their jobs and health insurance and see that their personal safety nets and our countrywide safety nets were grossly inadequate.

Here’s the link to sign up & join the call:

You are not alone! It’s not him, it’s us. He may have suspended his campaign but we can’t suspend the movement. Strength in solidarity!

Sunday, March 8, 10:30am: Get Out the Vote Canvass for Bernie – Carpool to Vancouver w/ BerniePDX!

This is the last weekend to Get Out the Vote in WA before their primary on Tuesday 3/10! Join BerniePDX to knock doors in nearby Vancouver to help make sure Bernie wins WA! Carpool details below.

*Please bring a fully charged smart phone and download the MiniVAN app.*

Want to carpool canvass in WA on Saturday? Details here:

Want to canvass in WA another day? Visit

If so, meet at *9:45am* at New Deal Cafe, 5250 NE Halsey. Otherwise, we’ll see you at 10:30am at the canvass launch in Vancouver at Brewed Awakenings, 6500 NE 117th Ave. 

March 7, 3/8 & 3/9, 4:30-8:30pm: Get Out the Vote for Bernie 2020 in Camas, WA!

Please join us March 7, March 8, and/or March 9 at 4:30pm to get out the vote for Bernie! We are at a crucial moment in this campaign, we need everyone to come together these final few days and talk to as many voters as possible so that Bernie wins Washington BIG this Tuesday! We will provide training so no experience is necessary. Make sure you bring a charged working cell phone and good walking shoes. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Location: Dutch Bros, 1615 NW 6th Ave, Camas, WA 

Saturday, March 7, 3-6pm: Phonebank for Bernie in SE w/ BerniePDX

Join BerniePDX to call voters and propel Bernie to victory! Super Tuesday is over, but more than 20 other states will be voting in the month of March alone! It’s because of volunteers like you that Bernie has been thriving! And we need to keep volunteering even more than ever. With your help, there will be a lot of victories coming our way!

**Please bring a laptop or tablet and a phone.**
(Unfortunately, iPads are incompatible. All laptops and any other kind of tablet works.)

If you are new to phone banking, no worries. No experience is necessary. People will be there to teach you how to make calls. Making these calls is fun and doing it together is a great way to hang out with and meet like-minded people!

Yummy snacks provided!

For everyone’s safety, please stay home if you are sick or have flu-like symptoms.

ADA accessible.

Location: 8722 SE 17th Ave. 

Saturday, March 7, 10:30am-2pm: Get Out the Vote Canvass for Bernie – Carpool to Vancouver w/ BerniePDX!

This is the last weekend to Get Out the Vote in WA before their primary on Tuesday 3/10! Join BerniePDX to knock doors in nearby Vancouver to help make sure Bernie wins WA! Carpool details below. See location information below for carpool info.

*Please bring a fully charged smart phone and download the MiniVAN app.*

Want to canvass in WA another day? Visit for events.

If so, meet at *9:45am* at 4720 SE 37th Ave. Otherwise, we’ll see you at 10:30am at the canvass launch in Vancouver at Starbucks, 504 NE 139th St. #104.

Tuesday, March 3, 5pm: Super Tuesday Election Results Watch Party w/ BerniePDX!

Join BerniePDX to watch the Super Tuesday election results roll in! A whopping 14 states (including California and Texas) and one US territory vote on Super Tuesday – that’s a total of 1,357 national delegates up for grabs!

We’ll also discuss next steps to help Bernie become our next president! 

Food and drink available for purchase. Also, there’s a new amazing sound system at Stingray!

Location: Stingray Cafe, 240 N Broadway