Saturday, March 7, 3-6pm: Phonebank for Bernie in SE w/ BerniePDX

Join BerniePDX to call voters and propel Bernie to victory! Super Tuesday is over, but more than 20 other states will be voting in the month of March alone! It’s because of volunteers like you that Bernie has been thriving! And we need to keep volunteering even more than ever. With your help, there will be a lot of victories coming our way!

**Please bring a laptop or tablet and a phone.**
(Unfortunately, iPads are incompatible. All laptops and any other kind of tablet works.)

If you are new to phone banking, no worries. No experience is necessary. People will be there to teach you how to make calls. Making these calls is fun and doing it together is a great way to hang out with and meet like-minded people!

Yummy snacks provided!

For everyone’s safety, please stay home if you are sick or have flu-like symptoms.

ADA accessible.

Location: 8722 SE 17th Ave. 

Mondays in March, 5-8pm: Get Out the Vote Phonebank w/ BerniePDX!

Join BerniePDX every Monday in March to call voters who cast their ballots this month! Bernie needs our help, and together, we’ll put him in the White House!

*Please bring a laptop or non-iPad tablet and a phone.*

If you’ve never phonebanked before, don’t worry, we’ll show you how to do it!

Join us Monday, March 2, 9, 16, & 23 from 5-8pm at Tea Chai Te on E Burnside St!

Location: Tea Chai Te, 616 E Burnside

Saturday, Feb. 29, 10:00-1pm: GOTV Canvass for Bernie – Carpool to Vancouver w/ BerniePDX!

The Washington ballots have been mailed! Join BerniePDX to knock doors in nearby Vancouver to Get-Out-the-Vote and help Bernie win WA! *Please bring a fully charged smart phone and download the MiniVAN app.*

See location information below for carpool info.

RSVP Here:

Location: Want to carpool from PDX? 
If so, meet at *9:30am* at the corner of SE 88th and Hawthorne. Otherwise, we’ll see you at *10:00am* at the canvass launch in Vancouver at Columbia Bank Community Room, 101 E 6th St.

Sunday, March 1, 3-6pm: Phonebank to Get-Out-the-Vote for Super Tuesday w/ BerniePDX!

Join BerniePDX to call voters to Get-Out-The-Vote for Super Tuesday, the largest voting day of the presidential primaries! When it’s over, 40% of the vote will be in. With only two days left, we need all hands on deck!

It’s because of volunteers like us that Bernie is winning! Only 4 states vote before Super Tuesday. But on March 3, a whopping 14 states (including California) and one US territory will vote! With your help, we will propel Bernie to victory!

**Please bring a laptop or tablet and a phone.**
(Unfortunately, iPads are incompatible. All laptops and any other kind of tablet works.)

Free Beer and Snacks!

If you are new to phone banking, no worries. No experience is necessary. People will be there to teach you how to make calls. Making these calls is fun and doing it together is a great way to hang out with and meet like-minded people!

Location: 5415 NE Cesar E Chavez Blvd

Tuesday, March 3, 5pm: Super Tuesday Election Results Watch Party w/ BerniePDX!

Join BerniePDX to watch the Super Tuesday election results roll in! A whopping 14 states (including California and Texas) and one US territory vote on Super Tuesday – that’s a total of 1,357 national delegates up for grabs!

We’ll also discuss next steps to help Bernie become our next president! 

Food and drink available for purchase. Also, there’s a new amazing sound system at Stingray!

Location: Stingray Cafe, 240 N Broadway

Saturday, Feb. 22, 10:30-2pm: Canvass for Bernie in Vancouver! Carpool available w/ BerniePDX!

The Washington primary is March 10, and they start voting by mail this month! Join BerniePDX to knock doors in nearby Vancouver and help win WA for Bernie! See location information below for carpool details. 

Location: Want to carpool from PDX?
If so, meet at 9:45am at 2207 SE 44th Ave, Portland. Otherwise, we’ll see you at the canvass launch in Vancouver at Dutch Bros, 8100 NE Vancouver Mall Dr. at 10:30am. 

Tuesday, Feb. 25, 5pm: Debate Watch Party w/ BerniePDX, Portland DSA & Labor for Bernie

Join BerniePDX, Portland DSA for Bernie, and Labor for Bernie PDX at Lucky Lab Killingsworth to cheer on Bernie Sanders in the Democratic debate before the South Carolina primary!

Location is ADA accessible.

**They don’t release the start time until a few days before the event, so check back here

Please note that our Debate Watch Party on Feb. 19 is at a different location. Visit for info.

Location: Lucky Lab, 1700 N Killingsworth St.

Sunday, Feb. 23, 3-6pm: Phonebank for Bernie w/ BerniePDX!

Join BerniePDX to call voters and propel Bernie into victory! It’s just days until the South Carolina Primary, followed by Super Tuesday. That means in just 9 DAYS almost half the delegates will be assigned. Bernie needs your help now more than ever, and with your help, he’ll win!

Please bring a laptop or tablet and a phone.
(Unfortunately, iPads are incompatible. All laptops and any other kind of tablet works.)

If you are new to phone banking, no worries. No experience is necessary. People will be there to teach you how to make calls. Making these calls is fun and doing it together is a great way to hang out with and meet like-minded people!

Yummy snacks provided!

Location: 2311 N Blandena St.