Saturday, Sept. 14, 1-3pm: BerniePDX 4th Annual BBQ & Potluck

Celebrate 4 years of BerniePDX with your Bernie family at our annual BBQ potluck & fundraiser! Join us to strengthen our local Bernie community in preparation for 2020. All are welcome. You don’t have to donate to attend. 10% of proceeds will go to an org that supports immigrants and refugees.

This year’s event is extra special because we’ll also be kicking off our 2020 campaign efforts! ⟶ Sign up here to bring something to share:


  • Commissioner JoAnn Hardesty!
  • A representative for Rep. Rachel Prusak!
  • Valdez Bravo, former PCC Board Member and longtime BerniePDXer!

BerniePDX endorsed all these winning candidates, and we’re thrilled to have them join us to talk about the importance of people-power in grassroots campaigns!


  • Make your own Bernie 2020 tote bag!
  • Play games!
  • Catch up with old friends and make new ones!
  • EAT! Vegan options!
  • Get involved to help Bernie win!
  • Get that crick massaged out of your neck by a professional massage therapist who will have her chair on site!

Location: Mt. Scott Park, Site D (SE 72nd & Harold)

Thursday, Sept. 12, 5-8pm: Dem Debate w/ BerniePDX, DSA for Bernie & Labor for Bernie

Spend the evening with your local Bernie community cheering on Bernie as he faces off against Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and all the other candidates. There’s only one debate this time around. See you there!

We will have an amp set up so that everyone can hear Bernie crush it loud and clear.

RSVP & Share on Facebook:

Location: Stingray Cafe, 240 N Broadway

Sunday, Aug. 25, 3-6pm: Phonebank to Put Bernie in the White House

Lets call Iowa to ensure that Bernie makes a strong showing in the earliest primary state! We can also call California. It is the largest blue state and it has just moved up its primary to Super Tuesday.

If you are new to phone banking, no worries, people will be there to teach you how to make a call. Please bring a laptop or tablet as well as a cell phone

Making these calls is fun and doing it together is a great way to meet like minded people, so please join us! There will be snacks!

Location: SE 65th & Harold (this is a home; email, message us on fb, or text/call 503-567-2504 for address)

Sunday, Aug. 25, 12-2pm: Textbank for BerniePDX BBQ Potluck

Join BerniePDX to textbank members to invite them to our 4th Annual BBQ Potluck! See details for 2 textbanks below.

This is a super easy and laid back way to get involved – we’ll be eating, drinking, talking, and texting =). Please bring a phone and a laptop or tablet if you have one (we’ll have paper lists on hand, too).

Sunday, Aug. 25, 12-2pm
WHERE: SE 65th & Harold (this is a home; email, message us on fb, or text/call 503-567-2504 for address)W

* Please note that the Wednesday phonebank has been canceled.

Location: SE 65th & Harold (this is a home; email, message us on fb, or text/call 503-567-2504 for address)

The BBQ on Sept. 14 will help build and strengthen the Bernie community as we prepare to win in 2020! Learn more & sign up to bring something to share:

Saturday, July 27, 10am-1pm: Sign UP! for Bernie (Make a custom Bernie sign w/Brian Heath!)

Show your support for Bernie by creating a custom, one of a kind, sign for your lawn, window or fence!

Artist Brian Heath will show you how to create a sign that uniquely shows your support for Bernie Sanders. Brian has been working to put signs all across Oregon, and this time he’s visiting the Portland area.

Bring your foamboard, posterboard, plywood, cardboard – whatever, and we’ll have fun making signs you can be proud to display.

(Sign-making materials will also be available at the event for a donation.)

You’ll find us at the corner of Montgomery and Park St. in the South Park Blocks of the PSU campus.

To get more info and reminders for this event, SIGN UP here:

For more info about Brian Heath and his work, check out this episode of Progressive Oregon:

Location: South Park Blocks, SW Montgomery & Park

Monday, July 1, 5:30-8pm: Phone Bank CA for Bernie w/BerniePDX!

In this exciting 2020 race, where we are going to elect Bernie as President, California is extremely important! California has moved up their primary to Super Tuesday. This means we have a shorter period of time to turn undecided voters into Bernie supports in the largest Democratic state in the country. With your help we are going to do it!

DETAILS: If you are new to phone banking, no worries, people will be there to teach you how to make a call. You will need to bring a laptop or tablet as well as a cell phone. Making these calls is fun and doing it together is a great way to meet like minded people, so please join us!

No worries if you can’t get there from work by 5:30, we will be glad to see you when you can get there.

Location: Tea Chai Te, 616 E Burnside St.