Saturday, Jan. 12, 12:30-3pm: Organizing for Bernie 2020 Livestream

Join BerniePDX and supporters across the country for the Organizing for Bernie 2020 Livestream! We’ll discuss what we can do now to organize and lay the groundwork for Bernie’s potential run for president in 2020.

Come out to demonstrate support for Bernie’s values, vision for our country, and his potential 2020 presidential run! 

We’re meeting at the yummy Italian sandwich shop, Shut Up and Eat, so bring your empty belly and your enthusiasm =). Livestream starts promptly at 1pm.

ABOUT: Organizing for Bernie 2020 is a group of supporters and former campaign staffers working to recruit Senator Bernie Sanders as a presidential candidate in the 2020 Democratic Primary and lay the groundwork for a successful campaign operation.
Learn more and sign the petition at:

Facebook Event:

Location: Shut Up and Eat, 3848 SE Gladstone

Tuesday, Dec. 4, 6:30-9pm: BerniePDX Holiday Party & White Elephant Gift Exchange!

Start off winter right with your Bernie family at the BerniePDX Holiday Party and White Elephant Gift Exchange!
All are welcome, and the event is kid-friendly.

What to bring:
– A new or lightly used wrapped gift to swap–or steal!
– Toiletries, packaged food, or winter gear to support the Columbia Shelter
– A dish to share if you’re in the mood

We’ll have pizza (and vegan pizza), cookies to decorate, tea, kombucha, sweets, and awesome people. You don’t need to bring a gift to attend =)

Location: Tea Chai Te, 616 E Burnside

Sunday, Nov. 4, 11a-2p: Final Push Slate Card Door Drop for Honest Elections & PDX Clean Energy Initiative!

It’s the LAST weekend of the election!

Help push the Portland Clean Energy Fund and Honest Elections to victory this election and sign up to deliver our “Progressive Slate Card” to the homes of unlikely and late voters in East Portland. No script because you’re not talking to anyone, nothing intimidating. It’s the easiest campaigning you’ll ever do!

Location: Back to Eden Bakery, 2217 NE Alberta St

Tuesday, Oct. 23, 6:30-8:30pm: GOTV Textbank w/ BerniePDX 2

The November ballot is LONG this year! Come sip the best tea in town and textbank BerniePDXers to Get Out the Vote for all the great candidates and important initiatives on the ballot!
Please bring your phone (or your laptop if you have texting capabilities on your computer). We’ll provide the text to send and the phone numbers.

Help continue the Political Revolution by ensuring Bernie supporters turn out in droves for the 2018 election!

Location: Tea Chai Te, 616 E Burnside, Portland

BerniePDX 2018 Ballot

City Council: Jo Ann Hardesty

Multnomah County Judge: Bob Callahan 

HD-37: Rachel Prusak

YES on:

26-200 – Campaign Contribution Limits

26-201- Portland Clean Energy Initiative 

NO on:

103 – Misleading, permanent corporate tax dodge; NOT about groceries

104 – Requires supermajority for any funding measure (Koch brothers amendment)

105 – Repeals Oregon Sanctuary Law

106 – Restricts abortion access & reproductive healthcare for low-income women

Note: BerniePDX did not have an endorsement vote for measures 26-199 & 102 (affordable housing) due to timing and capacity. However, many members have said they are voting yes. 

Tuesday, Oct. 16, 6:30-8:30pm: GOTV Textbank w/ BerniePDX 1

The November ballot is LONG this year! Come sip the best tea in town and textbank BerniePDXers to Get Out the Vote for all the great candidates and important initiatives on the ballot!

Please bring your phone (or your laptop if you have texting capabilities on your computer). We’ll provide the text to send and the phone numbers.

Help continue the Political Revolution by ensuring Bernie supporters turn out in droves for the 2018 election!

Location: Tea Chai Te, 616 E Burnside, Portland

Saturday, October 6, 4-6pm: Election 2018 Forum: Let’s Bring It To Win It!

***Ballot Measures and Call To Action***

We have lots of crucial ballot measures to consider in this year’s general election. Come learn about the good, the bad, and how you can help get out the vote.

We will have canvassing materials, including lawn signs and voter guides. And yummy snacks!

The Good:
Metro Measure 26-199 and State Measure 102: Yes For Affordable Housing
Portland Measure 26-201: Portland Clean Energy Fund
Portland Measure 26-200: Honest Elections

The Bad:
State Measures 103 and 104: Make it difficult to tax giant corporations and the super-rich
State Measure 105: Anti-immigrant measure to repeal Oregon’s sanctuary status
State Measure 106: Deny low-income women access to abortion services

Let’s BRING IT to this election by campaigning to PASS the Good and DEFEAT the Bad.

Location: The Rosewood Initiative, 16126 SE Stark St, Portland

Saturday, Sept. 29, 10am-2pm: Canvass for Rachel Prusak w/ BerniePDX!

Join BerniePDX, PCC Trustee Valdez Bravo, and Rep. Diego Hernandez to canvass for Universal Healthcare advocate Rachel Prusak for State Rep, and help turn HD-37 Blue!

Rachel is running against Republican Julie Parrish, who is best known for sending Measure 101 to the ballot in an effort to gut our healthcare.

Rachel is a nurse practitioner and proud union member. Her priorities include increasing investment in public education, protecting our environment, and healthcare. Rachel is the pro-labor, pro-universal healthcare candidate we need in the Oregon legislature!

Want to carpool from Portland? Email

Location: Deschutes Ln and Haskins Rd, West Linn, OR. *Text 410-458-5220 for event address or email* Email to carpool.

Saturday, Sept. 22, 11am-2pm: Canvass for PCEF & Campaign Contribution Limits

Join BerniePDX to canvass for TWO important ballot measures: Portland Clean Energy Fund and Honest Elections (campaign contribution limits)!

Honest Elections is a coalition for campaign finance reform in Portland and throughout Oregon. Initiative PDX-03 is similar to the measure approved by 89% of Multnomah County voters in 2016: at the city-level, it would prohibit donations by corporations, limit campaign contributions to $500 per individual, and require stronger public disclosure of large contributors.

Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF) is a ballot measure that would raise $30 million per year through a 1% business license surcharge on billion-dollar retailers, in order to weatherize homes, build rooftop solar, provide job training, grow local food and fund green infrastructure, with priority to low income households and people of color.

Training will be provided. RSVP & share on Facebook:

Location: Tea Chai Te, 7983 SE 13th Ave, Portland

Saturday, Sept. 15, 10am – 2pm: Canvass for JoAnn Hardesty and PCEF

Join BerniePDX to canvass for TWO important campaigns on the Nov. ballot: JoAnn Hardesty for City Council & Portland Clean Energy Fund. 

Jo Ann is a running on a platform emphasizing Accountability, Transparency, and Campaign Finance Reform in our city government, Green Jobs through the Portland Clean Energy Fund, Police Reform, and aggressively investing in affordable housing, tenant protections, and housing the houseless. This is the grassroots candidate we need in City Hall.

Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF) is a ballot measure that would raise $30 million per year through a 1% business license surcharge on billion-dollar retailers, in order to weatherize homes, build rooftop solar, provide job training, grow local food and fund green infrastructure, with priority to low income households and people of color. Training will be provided.

Location: Watershed, 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave.

RSVP & Share on Facebook