Tuesday, Aug. 28, 6-8pm: BerniePDX Phonebank for JoAnn Hardesty

Join Bernie PDX as we phone bank for Our Revolution endorsed Jo Ann Hardesty for Portland City Council! It’s time to show the power of the grassroots against big money and establishment interests! *Please bring a phone and laptop or tablet if you’re able.

Jo Ann is running on a platform emphasizing Accountability, Transparency, and Campaign Finance Reform in our city government, Green Jobs through the Portland Clean Energy Fund, Police Reform, and aggressively investing in affordable housing, tenant protections, and housing the houseless.

Click to RSVP and Share on Facebook. 

Location: Tea Chai Te Burnside, 616 E Burnside.

Saturday, April 21, 12:30-3:30pm: Drop Literature for Julia DeGraw & Maria Garcia

Volunteer for TWO awesome BerniePDX candidates: Maria Garcia for Multnomah County & Julia DeGraw for City Council! This is the last weekend before ballots go out.

Join us for a ‘lit drop’ – enjoy the fresh air as you take a walk around a Portland neighborhood and leave literature on voters’ doors! It’s super easy, no knocking required.

Learn more about the candidates at berniepdx.us/2018endorsements

Location: Bison Coffeehouse, 3941 NE Cully Blvd

Tuesday, October 10, 7-9 pm: Medicare-for-All Action Mtg w/BerniePDX – Keep the Pressure On!

ACTION MEETING: Join BerniePDX to write letters to Senator Wyden asking him to co-sponsor Bernie’s new Medicare-for-All bill! We’ll also strategize on lobby visits, language, and other ways to move Wyden and others.

Come hear about exciting upcoming local events! More agenda items to come.

Location: Watershed Building, 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave.

RSVP and invite your friends on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/244382696087767/

BerniePDX Talks Medicare for All Bill

Last week Bernie Sanders introduced a Medicare for All bill in the Senate joined by Senator Jeff Merkley (and many others, grassroots MOMENTUM is making the difference). Meanwhile Republicans are trying one more time to repeal and replace Obamacare with a plan that would leave up to 30 million more Americans without healthcare to line the pockets of private insurance and big pharma. There are single payer national and local efforts as well as important work to do to stop the alt-right attacks on healthcare in Oregon and in DC.

Come find out all the details, bring your ideas. Also, community announcements and good conversations, as always.

Location: 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave. Portland

Tuesday, 9/5, 5pm: Save DACA and pass the DREAM ACT PDX Rally!

WHAT: Save DACA and pass the DREAM ACT PDX Rally w/ Milenio!
WHEN: Tuesday, Sept. 4, 5-8pm
WHERE: Terry Schrunk Plaza, Portland

Trump announced he’s going to repeal the DREAM Act enacted by Obama. Congress must act now to protect our community! We will gather at Terry Schrunk Plaza which is across the street of the Federal Building.

At the Rally on Tuesday, September 5 at 5 pm WE WILL URGE THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS TO PASS THE DREAM ACT. This proposed legislation will legalized the DREAMERS with a pathway to Citizenship.

BerniePDX has canceled our regular Tuesday meeting to attend this event. See you there!

Tuesday, August 29, 7-9 pm: PDX Climate Action, Berner in Oregon Legislature, BBQ

The city wants to spend $450 million on a highway expansion in the Rose Quarter. Come and learn about the impact it will have on the surrounding community, our city, and Portland’s ability to meet its climate goals. Ian from the Working Families Party will come tell us about WFP’s new million jobs campaign!

We’ll update everyone on the state legislature race for HD-38 (visit www.BerniePDX.us/hd38 for more info), and the BerniePDX 2nd Anniversary BBQ Potluck! Can you bring something? Visit BerniePDX.us/bbq to sign-up.

As always, we’ll discuss upcoming progressive events. More agenda items to come!
RSVP, Share, & Invite friends on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1783644398593548
Location: Watershed Bldg., 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave., Portland

Sunday, September 17, 12-3pm: BerniePDX 2nd Anniversary End of Summer BBQ!

Please join BerniePDX for our 2nd Anniversary & End of Summer BBQ Potluck! It’s a great way to plug back in to the local movement, get involved for the first time, or celebrate with community! Two of the candidates BerniePDX has helped elect to local office will be present: Rita Moore (PPS Board) and Valdez Bravo (PCC Board) will briefly talk about the beauties and challenges of running and winning as a progressive and how we can continue Bernie’s Political Revolution here in Portland.

For two years BerniePDX has provided a space to learn about and engage in important issues that impact our community and our country. We have much to celebrate: helping elect 6 progressive candidates, helping pass 2 ballot measures, building community, activist & organizer trainings, rallies, phonebanks, canvasses, debate parties, and more! We can’t wait to celebrate our 2nd anniversary with you! Please share & invite your friends on Facebook

Can you bring some food or supplies to the event? Please let us know here: bit.ly/2v4SaMc

Special thanks to 47th Ave Farm for the produce and Tea Chai Te and Dr. Kombucha for donating kombucha and iced tea!

We’ll be making custom BerniePDX shirts! Bring your own or $5 to buy one there.

** BerniePDX is an all-volunteer, grassroots organization. We have no budget. Please consider bringing a few dollars to donate to the event, though it’s not required to attend, eat, and enjoy.


Location: Mt. Scott Park, Site A (SE 74 & Reedway), SE Portland

Tuesday, August 15, 7-9pm: BerniePDX Meeting w/ Theresa Kohlhoff for HD-38

Tuesday, August 15, 7-9pm: BerniePDX Meeting w/ Theresa Kohlhoff for HD-38

Come meet our recent BerniePDX-endorsed candidate, Theresa Kohlhoff, who is running for State Representative to replace Ann Lininger in HD-38! We hope Neil Simon, the other candidate we endorsed, can make it too!

Theresa will tell us what we can do to help her campaign and get this progressive champion in the legislature – Multnomah and Clackamas County Commissioners will appoint someone to fill the seat next month! Read our endorsement statement at www.berniepdx.us/theresa

Get updates and volunteer to help with our BBQ September 10.
Discussion of current events and how we’re taking action. Other agenda items tbd. Hope to see you there!

* The space has A/C *

Location: Watershed Bldg (which BTW has AC!), 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave., Portland

BerniePDX Endorses Theresa Kohlhoff & Neil Simon for State Representative to Replace Ann Lininger in HD 38

Please email or call your county commissioner asking them to vote for Theresa or Neil for HD-38 to replace Ann Lininger!

We have provided an email template below you can copy and paste to make this as quick and easy as possible. Thank you for taking action!

Multnomah County Commissioners:

Deborah Kafoury: mult.chair@multco.us, 503.988.3308
Sharon Meieran: district1@multco.us, 503.988.5220
Loretta Smith: district2@multco.us, 503.988.5219
Jessica Vega Pederson: district3@multco.us, 503.988.5217
Lori Stegmann: district4@multco.us, 503.988.5213

Clackamas Commissioners: bcc@clackamas.us

Email Template:

To: Multnomah Commissioners: mult.chair@multco.us, district1@multco.us, district2@multco.us, district3@multco.us, district4@multco.us
Clackamas Commissioners: bcc@clackamas.us

Dear Commissioners,

As [YOUR CONSTITUENT] or [A RESIDENT OF HD-38] and member of BerniePDX, I ask that you vote for Theresa Kohlhoff or Neil Simon to fill Ann Lininger’s seat in House District 38. Theresa and Neil represent the type of bold progressive leadership needed in Salem to fight for tenants’ rights, corporate tax reform, universal healthcare, and to take meaningful steps to combat climate change. Both candidates understand the importance of grassroots engagement and would bring impressive experience to the legislature.

Theresa has already demonstrated her electability, as she handily won her position on the Lake Oswego City Council in a contested election. Neil serves on multiple committees and has long been involved in politics at both the local and international level. I ask that you vote for Theresa or Neil because we need a grassroots progressive to solve the pressing problems impacting the people of Multnomah and Clackamas County.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this and look forward to hearing back regarding who you plan to support for House District 38.


Endorsement Statement:

BerniePDX endorses Theresa Kohlhoff and Neil Simon for State Representative to fill Ann Lininger’s seat in House District 38. Theresa and Neil have a good handle on the issues that BerniePDX believes are most important for Oregonians. They are in favor of raising corporate taxes to pay for essential public services like education and healthcare. They support Single-Payer Medicare-for-All, enacting campaign contribution limits, and lifting the statewide pre-emptive ban on rent control.

Theresa, a Lake Oswego City Councilor, handily won her seat in a contested race without compromising her progressive values. Neil has been involved in politics for many years, from the local to international level. We are confident that if appointed, either candidate would be able to keep their seat in the legislature against a Republican opponent in the 2018 election. We encourage the Precinct Committee Persons in HD-38 as well as the Multnomah and Clackamas County Commissioners to vote for Theresa Kohlhoff or Neil Simon.

Meet the candidates and find out how to help at our next BerniePDX meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 15, 7-9pm at 5040 SE Milwuakie Ave. 

View the BerniePDX candidate endorsement questionnaire for this race here.

Tuesday, August 1, 7-9pm: Help bring campaign contribution limits to OR w/ BerniePDX!

Sign the ballot petition to put an Oregon constitutional amendment on the 2018 ballot to allow campaign contribution limits in our state! David Delk will update us on this game-changing initiative and how we can help pass it! David will also discuss the efforts to create a public bank in Portland and how this can stimulate the local economy, help insulate us from financial crises, and break our connection to big banks.

We’ll talk about the upcoming BerniePDX Anniversary BBQ and more!

RSVP, share, & invite friends on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1197417080363307/

Location: 5040 SE Milwuakie Ave. Portland