Fred Meyer Workers on Strike through Labor Day!

Join a picket! And remind your friends: Don’t cross the line!

Portland-area Fred Meyer workers walked off the job 6am today, striking over unfair labor practices, as the company has been unwilling to fulfill its obligations and legal requirements to provide information that United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555 requested related to negotiations.

We urge you to head to your local Fred Meyer and hold the line until management does the right thing. Pickets will be held at all locations during the stores’ operating hours through 8am Tuesday.

New Seasons Workers on One-Day STRIKE, Sept. 1!

On Sunday, September 1st, workers at ten New Seasons Market locations will participate in a one-day Unfair Labor Practice Strike in response to the company’s unfair labor practices and bad-faith bargaining. The stores participating in the strike action are:

Arbor Lodge (6400 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR 97217)
Cedar Hills (3495 SW Cedar Hills Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97005)
Concordia (5320 NE 33rd Ave, Portland, OR 97211)
Grant Park (3210 NE Broadway, Portland, OR 97232)
Hawthorne (4034 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR 97214)
Sellwood (1214 SE Tacoma St, Portland, OR 97202)
Seven Corners (1954 SE Division St, Portland, OR 97202)
Slabtown (2170 NW Raleigh St, Portland, OR 97210)
Woodstock (4500 SE Woodstock Blvd, Portland, OR 97206)
Williams (3445 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97227)

RSVP Here to attend a picket!

Contribute Now and Have Your Donation Matched 9-to-1!

Monday, August 27 is the last day for City Council candidates to qualify for matching funds from the Small Donor Elections program. Candidates need donations from 250 individual Portlanders to qualify. Once they reach that level, the City will match donations from Portland donors 9-to-1 (up to $20 each) – that turns your $5 donation into $45! 

BerniePDX members voted to endorse some amazing grassroots candidates. Please contribute so these candidates can turn out working class voters and take back our city from developers and corporations like Zenith!

Click here to find your City Council district.

District 1 (East Portland)

District 2 (North and NE)

District 3 (SE and NE)

District 4 (NW, SW, Eastmoreland & Sellwood)

BerniePDX Portland City Council Endorsements!

This November, Portlanders have the opportunity to elect a whole new City Council! BerniePDX is proud to endorse a slate of candidates who will champion tenants’ and workers’ rights, climate justice, and truly affordable housing in our city. These candidates believe that City Hall should take an active role in supporting our underfunded schools, teachers, and students. They will fight back against the influence of corporations like Zenith in city decision-making. 

Our candidates are committed to housing the unsheltered members of our community and expanding the Portland Street Response, so that all Portlanders in need can access this vital service. They will also hold police accountable for their actions and increase oversight of the Portland Police Bureau. 

BerniePDX is proud to endorse the following candidates for Portland City Council, who are committed to fighting for the people and bringing this vision of our city to life. 

Click here to find your City Council district

District 1 (East Portland)

District 2 (North and NE)

District 3 (SE and NE)

District 4 (NW, SW, Eastmoreland & Sellwood)

Vote for the BerniePDX Portland City Council Endorsements!

For the first time ever, Portlanders have the opportunity to elect 12 new City Councilors! This election will have a HUGE impact on our city, and we really appreciate your input. Read the candidates’ questionnaires to learn how they will:

  • Address our affordable housing crisis
  • Oppose Zenith’s expansion plans and corporate influence in City Hall
  • Fight to overturn the statewide ban on local rent control
  • Support Portland schools, workers and unions, and the Portland Street Response
  • Increase police accountability
  • and more!

The last day to vote for our City Council endorsements is Tuesday, Aug. 13 – click here to cast your vote!

Now through Aug. 12: Apply to be on a Committee to Implement Oregon’s New Universal Healthcare System!

From our friends at HCAO: Oregon needs you! Advocates and policymakers have never been closer to achieving the goal of creating a universal health system in our state. Your experience can make a difference NOW as the UHP-GB begins its work in earnest.

Recruitment has begun for Oregonians to serve on various committees to help design and implement Oregon’s new health care system. The Universal Health Plan Governance (UHP-GB) has extended the deadline to apply to serve on its committees to August 12.

These committees will be composed of members of the public: Community Engagement and Communications, Finance and Revenue, Plan Design and Expenditures, and Operations.

Learn more and apply

Largest Nurses’ Strike in Oregon History – Join a Picket Line! June 18-20, 6am-8pm

Oregon Nurses Association members across the state are demanding Providence give them a fair contract that is in compliance with Oregon’s Safe Staffing law and prioritizes affordable, quality healthcare. Nurses are also demanding that Providence executives increase their focus on recruiting, retaining, and respecting frontline nurses.

Picket lines will be active Tuesday, June 18 through Thursday, June 20 from 6:00am to 8:00pm at the following locations:

Providence St Vincent Medical Center 9205 SW Barnes Rd, Portland, OR
Providence Milwaukie Hospital 10150 SE 32nd Ave, Milwaukie, OR
Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center 1500 Division St, Oregon City, OR
Providence Newberg Medical Center 1001 Providence Dr, Newberg, OR
Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital 810 12th St, Hood River, OR
Providence Medford Medical Center 1111 Crater Lake Ave, Medford, OR