Tuesday, Oct. 11, 5:00-9:00pm: Bernie PDX Lawn Sign Canvass  for Honest Elections Multnomah County (Yes on Measure 26-184)

Stop by to pick up supplies, and then carpool on a lawn sign canvass for Honest Elections Multnomah County/Yes on 26-184! Come help pass $500 campaign finance limits in Multnomah County. There are currently NO campaign finance limits in Oregon, so passing this measure in Oregon’s most populous county would be HUGE! Visit honest-elections.com for more info about Measure 26-184.

RSVP and invite your friends: https://www.facebook.com/events/942914075818512/

Location: Watershed PDX, 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave, Portland, Oregon 97202 

Tuesday, Oct. 4, 6:00-9:00pm: VP Debate Watch Party + Volunteer Event for Chloe Eudaly

Come volunteer to help elect Chloe Eudaly to Portland City Council, while we watch the Vice Presidential debate and eat snacks! We’ll be helping with mailers. Like Bernie, Chloe’s biggest challenge is name recognition, which is why mailers are so important! Chloe is our chance to help make Portland work for all of us!

Chloe would make City Council more representative of our city. She’d be the only sitting Commissioner to live on the Eastside, where most Portlanders live. She’d also be the only renter, the only small business owner, and the 8th woman ever to serve on the Council. If we want a City Commissioner who acts solely in the interests of people and the planet, we need to elect someone who doesn’t take money from corporations like Comcast, the fossil fuel industry, or wealthy developers.

This election is a fight for the future of Portland. If we want this city to be a place where Portlanders can afford to live, we need to elect Chloe. We hope you’ll join us to be a part of Portland history! Please bring snacks to share if you can!

ChloeForPortland.com or check out our reasons for endorsing Chloe to learn more. Watershed PDX, 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave, Portland, Oregon 97202 (map)

Tuesday, Sept. 27, 6:00-9:00pm: Bernie PDX Phonebank and Meeting with Chloe Eudaly

7:30pm: Bernie PDX voted to endorse Chloe Eudaly for Portland City Council, and she’s coming to our Tuesday meeting! Like Bernie, Chloe will work solely in the interests of the people, because she doesn’t take money from corporations, wealthy developers, or fossil fuel interests, unlike her opponent Steve Novick. Join us to hear about how Chloe will bring Bernie’s values to Portland! Suggested donation of $10, but it’s not required for attendance.

6:00pm: Help keep the revolution going by phonebanking to local Bernie supporters about upcoming events! Many don’t know that the movement has continued post-Bernie! (Interested in calling from home? Contact Robyn@BerniePDX.us) Watershed PDX, 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave, Portland, Oregon 97202
RSVP at https://www.facebook.com/events/957585661036515/

Saturday, Sept. 24, 12:00-4:00pm: Envelope Stuffing Party for Chloe Eudaly Round 2!

Ballots go out in FIVE WEEKS!

There are two candidates currently running for City Council. Come help elect the only one who doesn’t take money from Comcast, property management firms, wealthy developers, or the fossil fuel industry!

Chloe will fight for rent stabilization and just cause evictions for tenants, and a healthy environment for all. She’d be the only City Commissioner who lives on the Eastside! We have to change the the priorities of our City Council, and Chloe is the person to tip the scales in our favor.

Spend Saturday afternoon working to save our city! There will be music, snacks, and excellent company. Click here to RSVP! Watershed PDX 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave. Portland

Sunday, Sept. 18, 12:00-4:00pm: Bernie PDX Envelope Stuffing Party for Chloe Eudaly for Portland City Council

Join Bernie PDX to volunteer for Chloe Eudaly for Portland City Council to help get the word out about Chloe’s candidacy! We’ll be helping with mailers — one of the simplest but most important campaign tasks.

Spend Sunday afternoon hanging out with great people and making a difference in your community! We’ll have some snacks, feel free to bring some to share if you’d like. We’ll be there from 12-4, please stop by to help change our city! Watershed PDX, 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave, Portland

RSVP Here: Bernie PDX Envelope Stuffing Party for Chloe Eudaly for Portland City Council

Tuesday, Sept. 13, 6:00-9:00pm: Bernie PDX Weekly Phonebank and Meeting 

7:30pm: We’ll be joined by a local activist who has driven to North Dakota to drop off food for the Dakota Pipeline protesters! She’ll discuss what’s going on there. Please bring shelf-stable food or water to the meeting for her next trip to the Dakota protesters if you can!

We’ll also talk about upcoming events and give a recap on the Portland City Council campaign finance hearing at 7pm on 9/8 at Matt Dishman Community Center, Chloe Eudaly’s campaign kick-off on 9/10 in Lents Park, 1-3pm, James Ofsink’s events at Watershed, and more!

6:00pm: Help keep the revolution going by phonebanking to local Bernie supporters about upcoming events! Many don’t know that the movement has continued post-Bernie! (Want to phonebank from home? Contact Robyn@BerniePDX.us) Watershed PDX, 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave, Portland, Oregon 97202

RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/109495572842111/

Thursday, Sept. 8, 7:00pm: Come Support Campaign Finance Reform in Portland!

Attend the Portland City Council Forum on Campaign Finance Reform!

On Sept. 8, Commissioner Fritz will hold a public forum on a campaign reform proposal that could become law in the very near future (as in weeks from now) — if we can demonstrate that there is widespread public support for enacting campaign finance reform in Portland. So, let’s pack the building! There are currently NO campaign finance limits in Oregon, so this is a huge opportunity to bring more voices into politics, and get big money out!

We need to show massive public support at this hearing so our City Commissioners will vote YES! 7:00-8:30pm at Matt Dishman Community Center, 77 NE Knott St, Portland, Oregon 97212.

RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/858731647561756/

Bernie PDX 2016 Endorsements

We are thrilled to announce the Bernie PDX endorsements for 2016:

Chloe Eudaly for Portland City Council
James Ofsink for Oregon Senate District 21
Amanda Schroeder for East Multnomah County
Yes on 26-184: Honest Elections Multnomah County
Yes On 97: A Better Oregon

Visit our 2016 Endorsements page to learn more about our endorsees and why Bernie PDX voted for them!

We’ll be inviting our endorsees back to our weekly Tuesday meeting so Bernie PDX members can get to know them better, learn how they will change our region for the better, and find out how we can help! James Ofsink will be joining us on Sept. 6 at 7:30pm, 5040 SE Milwuakie Ave.

We believe these candidates and initiatives embody Bernie’s values, and will bring important elements of Bernie’s platform to our region.

The candidates do not accept corporate contributions. Like Bernie, they will work solely in the interests of the people. They are all running grassroots campaigns against establishment opponents backed by big-money donors, like Comcast and wealthy developers. One initiative will make corporations pay their fair share, and the other will enact county-wide campaign finance limits, in a state without any.


Tuesday, Aug. 30: Bernie PDX Weekly Phonebank and Meeting

6:00pm: Help keep the Revolution going! Phonebank to recruit attendees to the Portland City Council hearing on Commissioner Fritz’s campaign finance reform bill. Oregon has NO campaign finance limits! We need to show public support for this initiative to encourage the City Council to vote YES on it! Just bring a phone.

7:30pm: Join us to review the results of the first ever Bernie PDX endorsements, and how we can help our candidates and initiatives win! We’ll also write letters encouraging Portland City Council and Multnomah County Commissioners to support the upcoming campaign finance reform proposals.

RSVP here: facebook.com/events/329565797380866/