Tuesday, Dec. 20 @ 7pm – BerniePDX Meeting: Discuss Plans for Future Action

Join Bernie PDX to discuss how to carry on Bernie’s values and goals in this new political environment. We’ll have breakout discussions and come up with proposals for future Bernie PDX activities!

If you came to the meeting on 11/29, now’s your chance to join another breakout discussion — or attend the same breakout group to flesh out some concrete next steps!

Bring your ideas and positive energy. Announcements of upcoming events will be shared at the end of the meeting.

RSVP Here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1223133507754423/

Location: Watershed, 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave., Portland

Tuesday, Dec. 13 @ 7pm – Direct Action Training w/ BerniePDX!

Join BerniePDX for a Nonviolent Direct Action Training from a talented local leader to sharpen your activist and organizer skills!
The training will include:

– A brief overview of the history of direct action and civil disobedience
– The basics of planning direct actions, and how to be a helpful and                effective participant
– How to strategize about direct action tactics
– Staying calm and decision-making in high stress situations
– And more!

Come learn these important skills to help us carry on the Political Revolution!

RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/1786745731594855/

Location: Watershed, 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave. Portland

Monday, December 5 at 3:30 PM – 6 PM: Evict Them, Face Us – Stand-In/Sit-In


We will gather on the 5th of December to express our solidarity with the first Americans who fight for us at Standing Rock.
On that day, the Army Corps of Engineers plans to raid the camps at Standing Rock.
We will not be silent this time, we will not simply accept the outcome. This is our land, our future, and our country. We gather in peace against their violence, against their greed, and against their aggression.
When you threaten one of us, you will face all of us.

RSVP at: facebook.com/events/1832520286966624/

Location: Portland District US Army Corps of Engineers, 333 SW 1st Avenue, Portland OR 97204

Election Night Party w/ Bernie PDX, Chloe Eudaly, & James Ofsink!

BerniePDX is invited to spend Election Night with two of the candidates we endorsed and supported, Chloe Eudaly for City Council and James Ofsink for Senate District 21! Come out to watch the results roll in and celebrate the hard work we’ve done to build a political revolution in Portland and beyond!

*** Please RSVP so you can get in at: tiny.cc/electionparty ***

WHERE: Holocene, 1001 SE Morrison St.
WHEN: Tuesday, November 8 at 7:00pm

In the meantime, please volunteer to help Chloe and James WIN! Visit chloeforportland.com/volunteer or www.ofsink.today to sign-up!

Age 21+ after 9:00pm. Facebook event: facebook.com/events/1153280414780220/

Tuesday, Oct. 25, 6:00-9:00 pm: Bernie PDX Volunteer Event for James Ofsink for Oregon Senate District 21 (SE Portland & Milwaukie)!

* THE BALLOTS HAVE DROPPED! * Join us to canvass, stuff envelopes, write letters to the editor, or phonebank to help elect James Ofsink to the Oregon legislature! James is a Berniecrat who will fight for single-payer universal healthcare, getting big money out of politics, meaningful action on climate, and making government accountable to the people. If these issues are important to you, come out and support James so he can change Oregon politics for the better! 

James’ opponent, Kathleen Taylor, is funded by Comcast, Wall Street, Nike, the healthcare lobby, and polluters. She doesn’t support universal healthcare, campaign finance reform, or furthering the bold, progressive agenda that Bernie popularized.

Come volunteer for James to continue the Political Revolution in Oregon! RSVP and invite your friends: facebook.com/events/1815478018693889/ Location: 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave. Portland

Thursday, Nov. 3, 2:30-5:00pm: Public Hearing for Open and Accountable Elections!

The Portland City Council will be considering Open and Accountable Elections reform at an upcoming meeting and we need to show up and speak out to ensure our elected officials know what Portland needs.

Open and Accountable Elections would limit the power of big money by reducing the maximum contribution for participating candidates to $250, and would give ordinary Portlanders a bigger say in the political process, by matching donations up to $50 six-to- one with limited public funds.

Not only would this allow people like you and me to have a bigger impact on Portland’s elections – it would also allow community-oriented candidates to run for office with the backing of their communities.

If we want to fight back against big money right here in Portland, then we need Open and Accountable Elections. Continue reading “Thursday, Nov. 3, 2:30-5:00pm: Public Hearing for Open and Accountable Elections!”

Tuesday, Oct. 18, 6:00-9:00pm: Bernie PDX Volunteer Event for Our 2016 Endorsees!

Join us to volunteer for Bernie PDX endorsees!

Come hang with awesome people while you…

– Stuff envelopes for Chloe Eudaly for PDX City Council!
– Write letters to the Portland City Council urging them to vote YES on Amanda Fritz’s campaign finance reform proposal!
– Phonebank for Honest Elections Multnomah County/Yes on 26-184 to pass campaign finance limits!
– Write Letters to the Editor in support of single-payer healthcare and getting money out of politics for James Ofsink, candidate for Oregon Senate District 21!

…or something else you can think of!

Election Day is in THREE WEEKS! See you there!

RSVP at: https://www.facebook.com/events/1785903488323650/?active_tab=about

Location: 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave. Portland