We are all devastated and grieving now that Bernie has suspended his campaign. If we weren’t under stay at home orders, we would come together in person to support each other. Let’s do the next best thing and come together online. Let’s listen and support each other, build our community virtually, and talk next steps. Many of us have put our heart and soul into this campaign and feel like we are losing a part of ourselves. It’s important to be able to be in community with others who have a shared experience.
Join us for this two hour zoom video call. The first part will be an opportunity to express your emotions with others that are feeling similar things. The second part will be planning steps to move forward with the revolution.
For the last five years Bernie’s agenda has been getting national attention. Now, during the crisis of the Coronavirus, Bernie has been doing such a phenomenal job advocating for the people. More and more are realizing the need for the values and leadership that he promotes, as people lose their jobs and health insurance and see that their personal safety nets and our countrywide safety nets were grossly inadequate.
Here’s the link to sign up & join the call: https://us04web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIudOupqD0jpvBa9XCbV69hysL2cGcrGw
You are not alone! It’s not him, it’s us. He may have suspended his campaign but we can’t suspend the movement. Strength in solidarity!