Last night was a HUGE win for local progressive politics!!
All of the candidates BerniePDX endorsed in the May Special Election won their elections!!!! Proof that grassroots, people-powered campaigns WORK!!
Thank you for knocking doors, making calls, donating, texting, attending meetings and events, posting on social media, spreading the word, voting, and making BerniePDX a force for progressive political change!
Congratulations to our endorsees: New Portland School Board members Rita Moore & Scott Bailey; new Portland Community College Board Director Valdez Bravo; and new David Douglas School Board members Stephanie D. Stephens and Ana Del Rocío!!
Special thank you to Our Revolution for supporting Rita and Valdez!
ALL of the Portland initiatives also passed!! Portland students will soon be able to drink out of the water fountains at their schools thanks to the School Bond! The city auditor will have more independence to properly audit city agencies, and short-term vacation rentals will be taxed the same amount as hotels to help fund public services!
See you Tuesday at 7pm (5040 SE Milwaukie Ave)!
Thank you for continuing the progressive Political Revolution!!
In Solidarity,
The BerniePDX Leadership Team