We are thrilled to announce that BerniePDX members voted to endorse the following campaigns for the Nov. 2020 election! Scroll down to learn why, and thanks to everyone who voted!
- Chloe Eudaly for Portland City Council (Position 4)
- Sarah Iannarone for Portland Mayor
- Theresa Kohlhoff for Lake Oswego Mayor
- Chris Smith for Metro (District 5)
- Measure 26-214: Universal Preschool Now
- Measure 26-217: Real Police Accountability
- Measure 107: Fair & Honest Elections
- Measure 109: Psilocybin Therapy
- Measure 110: The Drug Addiction Treatment & Recovery Act

BerniePDX voted to endorse Chloe Eudaly for Portland City Council! During the pandemic, Chloe has fought to support impacted Portlanders through rent and financial assistance. She also supports a significant overhaul of the Portland Police, including changes to increase accountability and to address qualified immunity, racial profiling, unjust searches, and use of force standards. Chloe also believes that tear gas should be banned at protests.
During her tenure in City Hall, Chloe passed the FAIR ordinance, which increases access to rental housing for Portlanders shut out of the market and protects renters from discrimination. She also passed the landmark relocation assistance ordinance to support tenants who get evicted, and she is currently working on further housing reforms. In 2018, Chloe was the only sitting Commissioner to support the Portland Clean Energy Fund. Additionally, Chloe is the only candidate in this race who is not backed by the Portland Police Association, the Portland Business Alliance, and the landlord association (Mulitfamily NW).
Learn more & get involved at www.votechloe.com

BerniePDX voted to endorse Sarah Iannarone for Mayor of Portland! Sarah’s background is in sustainability and policy, and she wants to establish a prerequisite climate standard for all city projects. Sarah supports increasing renter protections, including a rent freeze and moratorium on evictions during the pandemic. She also supports ending the Portland Police’s use of tear gas at protests, banning chokeholds, and demilitarizing the police force. Unlike our current mayor, Sarah hasn’t accepted any corporate campaign contributions.
Learn more & get involved at www.sarah2020.com

BerniePDX voted to endorse Theresa Kohlhoff for Mayor of Lake Oswego! Theresa has fought for affordable housing and equitable transportation on several committees during her tenure on City Council. She also serves as the council liaison to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion task force, and is passionate about making Lake Oswego a more inclusive, affordable, and diverse city. Theresa supports declaring a climate emergency and creating attainable goals to reduce emissions. The current mayor is conservative, and Theresa will take Lake Oswego in a more progressive direction.
Learn more & get involved at www.votefortmk.com

BerniePDX voted to endorse Chris Smith for Metro District 5! Chris is a longtime climate and transportation activist whose work includes organizing the “No More Freeways” campaign. Chris plans to address equity issues in transportation, particularly in East County. He will use his decade of experience on the Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission to make Metro more effective in providing affordable housing and services. Chris is a proud supporter of Black Lives Matter and also supported the call by Unite Oregon and PAALF to reduce the Portland Police Budget by $50 million. We need Chris Smith on Metro!
Learn more and get involved at chrisformetro.com
Ballot Measures

BerniePDX voted to endorse the ballot measure for Universal Preschool in Multnomah County (UP NOW)! Early childhood education is so important. It has been shown to increase graduation rates, reduce incarceration, and lower unemployment. Unfortunately, preschool is cost prohibitive for many families.
UP NOW will create high-quality preschool for children in Multnomah County by instituting a small tax on the top 5% of income earners. Universal preschool will benefit our children and our community as a whole. It’s time for us to join cities like DC, NYC, and Chicago and provide universal preschool to our kids!
Learn more and get involved at: www.upnow2020.org

BerniePDX voted to endorse Measure 26-217: Real Police Accountability because it will create a much needed police oversight board in Portland with actual power. For the first time, the police oversight board will have:
1) Sufficient powers to investigate the most serious complaints against police including officer-involved shootings, deaths in custody, and excessive use of force.
2) All evidence needed for a complete investigation of complaints, and the ability to compel officer testimony.
3) A sufficient budget and independent staff to conduct this critical work.
4) The final say in disciplinary actions taken against officers that fail to meet the expectations and rules for policing in the City of Portland.
5) The ability to directly impact the directives and policies of the Portland Police Bureau.
Voting Yes on M26-217 will create the most progressive police accountability system in the country!
Learn more & get involved at www.realpoliceaccountability.org

BerniePDX voted to endorse Measure 107: Fair & Honest Elections! Measure 107 will amend the Oregon constitution so that we can enact laws to:
- Require the disclosure of political contributions and spending;
- Limit campaign contributions and spending;
- Require that political ads disclose who paid for them.
Politicians in Oregon receive more corporate contributions per capita than those in any other state. Measure 107 will help pave the way toward ending this practice!
Learn more and get involved at fairandhonestelections.org/

BerniePDX voted to endorse Measure 109: Psilocybin Therapy, which will create a regulated psilocybin therapy system in Oregon! Psilocybin therapy is a mental health therapy that uses psilocybin, a plant medicine derivative found in mushrooms. Research has shown that psilocybin therapy can help those suffering from depression, anxiety, and addiction. Measure 109 is supported by medical experts, veterans, and people from over 300 cities around Oregon.
Learn more & get involved: www.voteyeson109.org

BerniePDX voted to endorse Measure 110: the Drug Addiction Treatment & Recovery Act! Measure 110 will provide drug and alcohol treatment to anyone who wants it, regardless of their insurance. It will also eliminate criminal penalties for small amounts of personal possession of drugs. This measure is an important step toward addressing our racist and unjust drug laws!
Learn more and get involved at voteyeson110.org
BerniePDX is proud to announce our 2020 primary endorsements! Scroll down to learn why our members voted to support the following candidates and ballot measure. Thanks so much to everyone who voted!
Although Bernie ended his campaign, he is still asking us to vote for him in the primary to get as many delegates as possible. Having a large number of delegates will give our movement greater influence over the party’s decision-making at the convention.

US Congress
Mark Gamba (District 5) – markgamba.com
Albert Lee (District 3) – albertlee2020.com
Oregon State Representative
Serin Bussell (HD-33) – serinforstaterep.com
Paige Kresiman (HD-42) – paige2020.com
Metro Council
Leigha LaFleur (District 6) – lafleur4oregon.com
Ballot Measure
Universal Preschool Multnomah County (UP NOW) – upnow2020.org

BerniePDX members voted to endorse Mark Gamba for US Congress in District 5! Currently serving as Mayor of Milwaukie, Mark has made a name for himself as a climate-focused leader. He passed an aggressive climate action plan in Milwuakie and will fight for a Green New Deal in DC. He has also worked to fund affordable housing and transit fares for low-income people.
In addition to climate, Mark’s priorities in Congress will include Medicare for All, raising the minimum wage to $15, and reversing Citizens United. He will also prioritize raising taxes on the wealthy and reversing their tax cuts. Mark was one of the first Oregon politicians to publicly endorse Bernie Sanders in 2016 and has been a member of the political revolution ever since.

BerniePDX members voted to endorse Albert Lee for US Congress in District 3! Albert’s fiery conviction for reform at the federal level is inspiring. His passion for social justice can be seen through his work with APANO and the NAACP. Albert is a veteran from a working class upbringing. His experiences allow him to empathize with the working class and underserved people he would represent.
Albert’s priorities include Medicare for All, addressing the climate emergency, and getting big money out of politics. Albert also has a law degree and recently served as an Academic Dean at Portland Community College.

BerniePDX members voted to endorse Serin Bussell for State Representative in District 33! Serin has an extensive background in fighting for the environment, including working to stop Nestle from bottling public water in the Gorge and fighting the Jordan Cove LNG terminal.
Serin is a PERS member, and her priorities include worker protections, housing for all, revenue reform, climate justice, and campaign finance reform. Serin’s previous work in and around the Capitol will allow her to hit the ground running when elected. Her experience and values will enable her to hold strong against political pressure.

BerniePDX members voted to endorse Paige Kreisman for State Representative in District 42! Paige is a relentless champion of the working class and a veteran. You’ve probably seen her at rallies wielding a megaphone and publicly denouncing a system in which the rich get richer while everyday Oregonians are struggling.
Paige will bring Democratic Socialism to the Oregon legislature. Her priorities include the Oregon Green New Deal, campaign finance reform, and working to restore the Democratic Party of Oregon as the party of unions and workers. If elected, she would be the first openly trans person in the Oregon Legislature.

BerniePDX members voted to endorse Leigha LaFleur for Metro Council in District 6! Not only is Leigha passionate about social, economic, racial, and environmental justice, she is a woman with a serious plan about a serious issue: GARBAGE. Her bold vision would radically transform our waste system by converting nearly all of our no longer useful carbon-based waste (including plastics) into energy, using a carbon neutral process.
Leigha also wants to prioritize using Metro-owned land to create long-term affordable housing through community land trusts. Leigha’s voice and vision are greatly needed on Metro Council as our waste crisis grows every day.

BerniePDX members voted to endorse the ballot measure for Universal Preschool in Multnomah County (UP NOW)! Early childhood education is so important. It has been shown to increase graduation rates, reduce incarceration, and lower unemployment. Unfortunately, preschool is cost prohibitive for many families.
UP NOW will create high-quality preschool for children in Multnomah County by instituting a small tax on the top 5% of income earners. Universal preschool will benefit our children and our community as a whole. It’s time for us to join cities like DC, NYC, and Chicago and provide universal preschool to our kids!