Congrats to Jamie and her awesome campaign team! What a win for Oregon! Read Jamie’s statement here.
Month: May 2022
Congratulations Are in Order!
Congratulations to BerniePDX candidates Jo Ann Hardesty (City Council), Farrah Chaichi (HD-35), Libra Forde (Clackamas County), and Travis Nelson (HD-44), who won their elections or advanced to their run-off! Congrats also to Jamie McLeod-Skinner, who is currently ahead of Kurt Schrader by 20% in CD-5!
Unfortunately, there’s an issue in the Clackamas County elections office, so it’s possible we won’t know the final results for weeks. Click here to volunteer to be an elections observer for Jamie during the ballot counting process. One thing is certain: The future of Oregon is brighter than it was last week!

The Ballots Have Dropped!
Ballots are out! Mail them in by May 10, or use a ballot dropbox by 8pm on May 17! Remind your friends, and don’t forget to sign the back of the envelope. Find your nearest dropbox here:
Learn why BerniePDX voted to endorse these great candidates at