* THE BALLOTS HAVE DROPPED! * Join us to canvass, stuff envelopes, write letters to the editor, or phonebank to help elect James Ofsink to the Oregon legislature! James is a Berniecrat who will fight for single-payer universal healthcare, getting big money out of politics, meaningful action on climate, and making government accountable to the people. If these issues are important to you, come out and support James so he can change Oregon politics for the better!
James’ opponent, Kathleen Taylor, is funded by Comcast, Wall Street, Nike, the healthcare lobby, and polluters. She doesn’t support universal healthcare, campaign finance reform, or furthering the bold, progressive agenda that Bernie popularized.
Come volunteer for James to continue the Political Revolution in Oregon! RSVP and invite your friends: facebook.com/events/1815478018693889/ Location: 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave. Portland