This November, Portlanders have the opportunity to elect a whole new City Council! BerniePDX is proud to endorse a slate of candidates who will champion tenants’ and workers’ rights, climate justice, and truly affordable housing in our city. These candidates believe that City Hall should take an active role in supporting our underfunded schools, teachers, and students. They will fight back against the influence of corporations like Zenith in city decision-making.
Our candidates are committed to housing the unsheltered members of our community and expanding the Portland Street Response, so that all Portlanders in need can access this vital service. They will also hold police accountable for their actions and increase oversight of the Portland Police Bureau.
BerniePDX is proud to endorse the following candidates for Portland City Council, who are committed to fighting for the people and bringing this vision of our city to life.
Click here to find your City Council district
District 1 (East Portland)
District 2 (North and NE)
District 3 (SE and NE)
District 4 (NW, SW, Eastmoreland & Sellwood)