Sunday, Aug. 25, 12-2pm: Textbank for BerniePDX BBQ Potluck

Join BerniePDX to textbank members to invite them to our 4th Annual BBQ Potluck! See details for 2 textbanks below.

This is a super easy and laid back way to get involved – we’ll be eating, drinking, talking, and texting =). Please bring a phone and a laptop or tablet if you have one (we’ll have paper lists on hand, too).

Sunday, Aug. 25, 12-2pm
WHERE: SE 65th & Harold (this is a home; email, message us on fb, or text/call 503-567-2504 for address)W

* Please note that the Wednesday phonebank has been canceled.

Location: SE 65th & Harold (this is a home; email, message us on fb, or text/call 503-567-2504 for address)

The BBQ on Sept. 14 will help build and strengthen the Bernie community as we prepare to win in 2020! Learn more & sign up to bring something to share: