Join BerniePDX for a Virtual Meet & Greet with Jo Ann Hardesty on Tuesday, April 12 at 7pm! Get an update on the campaign and find out Jo Ann’s ideas about the issues that are most important to you. Bring your questions and your friends!
You must RSVP here to receive the Zoom link:
Interested in Jo Ann’s plans to address the housing crisis? Have questions about the city or ideas to share? Just want to let Jo Ann know you’ve got her back and find out ways to support? This event is for you!
Jo Ann has some serious challengers this year who are backed by groups like the Portland Business Alliance. But with your support, we can win! RSVP at:
From championing jobs and climate action with PCEF, to campaign finance reform with Honest Elections, and assisting Portlanders in crisis by creating the Portland Street Response, Jo Ann has repeatedly shown that she’s an effective, people-focused leader. BerniePDX is proud to endorse her.
RSVP Here for the Zoom link, and Here for the Facebook event