Actions to Make Polluters Pay in Multnomah County

ACTION ITEM #1: Fill out this short survey with your name, email, and click the “support” button for putting big corporations on the hook for their negligence through this ordinance

Then cut and paste this comment, or something like it, into the survey’s space for feedback:
I support a strong, enforceable risk bond ordinance that includes a penalty of $25,000/day for non-compliance, applicable to all facilities regulated by the DEQ Fuel Tank Seismic Stability program and going into effect within 2 years.

ACTION ITEM #2: Show up in red at 11:00am on Thursday, Nov. 21 to watch the Multnomah County Commissioners discuss the ordinance at the County building on 501 SE Hawthorne!

Background: Time to demand that polluters pay up front for damages, clean up and putting our lives & environment in danger!  Zenith and cronies must take steps to prevent huge oil spills, fires and deadly toxic fumes from fossil fuels and other toxic chemicals being released from old tanks on the riverfront – given the odds of a big earthquake, forest fire or train derailment.