Cheer on Bernie at Stingray Cafe with your local Bernie community as he faces off in the January Democratic Debate, just a couple weeks before the Iowa Caucus!
We’ll also discuss ways to get involved to help Bernie win! Yummy food and drinks available for purchase.
Since Oregon’s primary is so late, the best way for us to help Bernie is to call early primary states (like California, which has over 400 delegates and moved their primary from June to March). That’s why BerniePDX is hosting phonebanks! Making these calls is fun and doing it together is a great way to hang out with and meet like-minded people!
Since Oregon’s primary is so late, the best way for us to help Bernie is to call early primary states (like California, which has over 400 delegates and moved their primary from June to March). That’s why BerniePDX is hosting phonebanks! Making these calls is fun and doing it together is a great way to hang out with and meet like-minded people!
Since Oregon’s primary is so late, the best way for us to help Bernie is to call early primary states (like California, which has over 400 delegates and moved their primary from June to March). That’s why BerniePDX is hosting phonebanks! Making these calls is fun and doing it together is a great way to hang out with and meet like-minded people!
Start off winter right with your Bernie family at the BerniePDX Holiday Party & White Elephant Gift Exchange! Let’s celebrate Bernie’s 2019 campaign achievements as we gear up for 2020! All are welcome, and the event is kid-friendly.
What to bring: – A new or lightly used wrapped gift to swap – or steal! – Toiletries, packaged food, or winter clothes to be donated to the Portland Rescue Mission. – A dish to share if you’re in the mood.
We’ll have pizza (and vegan pizza), sweets, tea, kombucha, gifts, and awesome people! You don’t need to bring a gift to attend =)
Since Oregon’s primary is so late, the best way for us to help Bernie is to call early primary states (like California, which has over 400 delegates and moved their primary from June to March). That’s why BerniePDX is hosting phonebanks! Making these calls is fun and doing it together is a great way to hang out with and meet like-minded people!