Literature Drop OR Canvass door-to-door for Julia DeGraw

Ballots drop in a few weeks! ‘Lit drops’ are great for folks who don’t feel like knocking doors (canvassing) โ€“ enjoy the fresh air as you take a walk around a Portland neighborhood and leave literature on voters’ doors. We’ll provide a turf, snack, literature, and a script for canvassers. We recommend bringing a bag to hold campaign materials. FB event

DATE: Saturday, April 7 and/or Sunday, April 8
TIME: 12:30-3:30pm

LOCATION: Meet at Hungry Heart Bakery, 414 SE 80th Ave

Julia isn’t taking any corporate money, she’s only accountable to the people. Learn more at

“Itโ€™s past time for City Council to prioritize the people over developer profits, corporate interests, and complacent politicians.” – Julia DeGraw