Thursday, Nov. 3, 2:30-5:00pm: Public Hearing for Open and Accountable Elections!

The Portland City Council will be considering Open and Accountable Elections reform at an upcoming meeting and we need to show up and speak out to ensure our elected officials know what Portland needs.

Open and Accountable Elections would limit the power of big money by reducing the maximum contribution for participating candidates to $250, and would give ordinary Portlanders a bigger say in the political process, by matching donations up to $50 six-to- one with limited public funds.

Not only would this allow people like you and me to have a bigger impact on Portlandโ€™s elections โ€“ it would also allow community-oriented candidates to run for office with the backing of their communities.

If we want to fight back against big money right here in Portland, then we need Open and Accountable Elections.

  • WHEN: Thursday, November 3rd @ 2:30PM
  • WHERE: Portland City Hall Chambers
    1221 SW 4th Ave, Portland, OR 97204
  • WHAT: Portland City Council Considering Open and Accountable Elections Act.
  • HOW: Showing up is a big deal and we can use all the support! RSVP for the hearing by following this link
    In addition we are asking supporters to email the city council. You can do so by going here.
  • WHY:The Voice for All Portland coalition has come together to increase transparency and accountablity of as well as accessibility to our local government. We believe this is just the beginning of crucial elections reform our communities and society needs to ensure all voices are represented in government and that all accountablity of our elected leaders remain local.

We need meaningful election reform that fosters greater diversity, both in those who run for office and the policies taken up by our representatives.

Our coalition believes in:

  • Leveling the playing field between wealthy corporate interests and everyday Portlanders by putting all voters first.
  • Elections where our candidates reflect the geographic, racial, and economic diversity of our community
  • Encouraging candidates to spend more time with voters and constituents of all backgrounds.
  • Encouraging Portlanders from underrepresented communities to participate and have a voice in our democracy, as donors and otherwise.